



身為豪華進口汽車品牌的的領導者,BMW以其精湛的造車工藝以及極致操控性能為人津津樂道,擄獲全球車迷的心。BMW長期致力於創新產品研發與提倡環保製程,結合「前瞻科技」、「性能動力」與「美學設計」三大品牌精神建構品牌核心價值 — JOY,不僅為全球消費者帶來「Sheer Driving Pleasure極致駕乘樂趣」,更以環境永續為使命,透過RE:THINK、RE:DUCE、RE:USE、RE:CYCLE 四大綠色變革原則,打造子品牌BMW i,力求實踐零排放目標,BMW更是道瓊永續指數創立以來,唯一連續被評選為汽車產業中實踐永續發展的領導品牌。




  • 公司地址:臺北市內湖區行愛路100號

  • 聯絡電話1:02-3766-6666

  • 聯絡電話2:02-3766-6666#652

  • 電子郵件:psn652@upgo.com.tw

  • 公司網址:https://www.bmw.com.tw/zh/index.html

  • 公司傳真:02-87918580


  • 統一編號:20561562

  • 員工人數:217

  • 資本額:1,300,000,000

  • 公司負責人:德成股份有限公司


● 保險制度
- 健全的勞保、健保制度,提供員工完整保障
- 完善的員工團體保險與眷屬保險,包括意外險及醫療險
- 海外出差人員增額意外險

● 獎金、補助津貼
- 具市場競爭力的薪資與績效獎金
- 依公司營運利潤提撥年終獎金
- 生日禮金、勞動節禮金、端午節禮金、中秋節禮金
- 生育補助、結婚補助、住院補助、喪葬補助
- 優渥的員工年度旅遊補助
- 特約商店、飯店優惠
- 員工購車優惠

● 健康關懷、工作生活平衡
- 員工年度健康檢查
- 護理師臨場健康服務
- 提供牛奶點心補助
- 部分辦公地點提供員工團膳、員工餐廳
- 符合德國原廠規格之安全工作環境
- 員工專用哺(集)乳室
- 豐富社團活動,鼓勵員工自由參加及規劃各式有趣的活動
- 人性化的管理與彈性辦公調整等

● 學習與發展
- 開拓新技術、新知識的視野,了解電動車產業最新的趨勢
- 提供全面的教育訓練規劃,依照工作職務設置不同課程







待遇面議(經常性薪資達 4 萬元或以上)

【招募/雇主品牌】 1. 負責人才甄選、面談、任用報到、新人關懷、離職相關作業等流程。 2. 根據公司發展,規劃且執行雇主品牌專案,提升外部雇主品牌聲量。 3. 招募管道與內部流程的創新、開發、經營與優化。 【教育訓練/人才發展】 1. 依公司方針及教育訓練需求,協助制定公司訓練發展體系與制度。 2. 進行訓練發展需求分析,規劃、執行公司訓練發展計畫,並評估訓練發展之成效 。 3. 製作人資教育訓練紙本及數位教材(需能獨立完成基礎配音與錄製)。 4. 規劃並執行教育訓練課程,視情況需擔任通識課程講師。 5. 協助人資各項制度辦法、表單及作業流程更新優化。 【專案參與】 1. 透過HR數據分析組織人力狀況與提供解決方案。 2. 多元人資專案推動與參與。 【主管交辦事項】




待遇面議(經常性薪資達 4 萬元或以上)

我們正在找一位對人資領域有熱忱的夥伴,期待您善用創新思維、策略思考來共同協助公司持續進步,您將成為專家和同仁最佳的單位夥伴,歡迎您加入並成為團隊一份子! 【招募/雇主品牌】 1. 負責人才甄選、面談、任用報到、新人關懷、離職相關作業等流程。 2. 根據公司發展,規劃且執行雇主品牌專案,提升外部雇主品牌聲量。 3. 招募管道與內部流程的創新、開發、經營與優化。 【教育訓練/人才發展】 1. 依公司方針及教育訓練需求,協助制定公司訓練發展體系與制度。 2. 進行訓練發展需求分析,規劃、執行公司訓練發展計畫,並評估訓練發展之成效 。 3. 製作人資教育訓練紙本及數位教材(需能獨立完成基礎配音與錄製)。 4. 規劃並執行教育訓練課程,視情況需擔任通識課程講師。 5. 協助人資各項制度辦法、表單及作業流程更新優化。 【專案參與】 1. 透過HR數據分析組織人力狀況與提供解決方案。 2. 多元人資專案推動與參與。 【主管交辦事項】



BMW台灣總代理-汎德-CRM & Digital Innovation Specialist

待遇面議(經常性薪資達 4 萬元或以上)

Customer Data Management -Develop and implement data collection systems and other strategies that optimize statistical efficiency and data quality. -Provide business suggestions based on customer data analysis and consumer centricity. Present and depict the outcomes of their findings in easy to understand terms for the company. -Interact efficiently with other departments (Sales, Events, and Communications, Training…). Dealer support -Planning and implementing CRM strategies across the company and dealerships encouraging prospecting, customer retention and customer loyalty. -Enhance the efficiency of marketing campaigns through the use of data and analysis, bringing added value to the current marketing programs and to increase ROI. -Monitoring customer experience related projects, such as Mystery Shopping and Voice of Customer. Support dealers to enhance their customer experiences process. CRM Campaign management -Plans and coordinates CRM campaigns or events with external agencies. -Manages project budgets and sets clear KPIs to ensure campaign assessment. -Create joint promotion opportunities with other brands to collaborate conquest and loyalty events. -Design loyalty program,customer journey automation & CRM acitivities to engage consumer,build sustainable growth on membership lifetime value and is aligned with business target.



MINI台灣總代理-汎德-Communications Specialist 廣告與公關

待遇面議(經常性薪資達 4 萬元或以上)

1. Implements Comms activities according to market activation plan to drive brand awareness and traffic. 2. Works alongside the agency to manage MINI\'s social media accounts, advertising campaigns, and official website. 3. Performs analytics and develops reports to track social media & digital marketing efficiency and campaign effectiveness. 4. Supports the orchestration and successful delivery of all marketing events, including PR events, CRM events, etc., according to Market Activation plans. 5. Responsible for press release and media relationship management to support brand communications. 6. Ensure that all brand communication messages are well delivered and presented on every channel, tasks including text polishing, product data translation, and so forth.



BMW台灣總代理-汎德-CRM & Digital Innovation Specialist

待遇面議(經常性薪資達 4 萬元或以上)

Customer Data Management -Develop and implement data collection systems and other strategies that optimize statistical efficiency and data quality. -Provide business suggestions based on customer data analysis and consumer centricity. Present and depict the outcomes of their findings in easy to understand terms for the company. -Interact efficiently with other departments (Sales, Events, and Communications, Training…). Dealer support -Planning and implementing CRM strategies across the company and dealerships encouraging prospecting, customer retention and customer loyalty. -Enhance the efficiency of marketing campaigns through the use of data and analysis, bringing added value to the current marketing programs and to increase ROI. -Monitoring customer experience related projects, such as Mystery Shopping and Voice of Customer. Support dealers to enhance their customer experiences process. CRM Campaign management -Plans and coordinates CRM campaigns or events with external agencies. -Manages project budgets and sets clear KPIs to ensure campaign assessment. -Create joint promotion opportunities with other brands to collaborate conquest and loyalty events. -Design loyalty program,customer journey automation & CRM acitivities to engage consumer,build sustainable growth on membership lifetime value and is aligned with business target.



BMW台灣總代理-汎德-BMW Brand Strategy and Digital Communication Specialist 品牌策略與數位行銷專員

待遇面議(經常性薪資達 4 萬元或以上)

Join us as a motivated BMW Brand/Product Communication Executive. Drive brand engagement through effective strategies. Collaborate on media, digital efforts, and events with cross-functional teams. Use analytics for continuous improvement and goal alignment. Responsibility: Strategic Messaging and Brand Positioning: • Craft and enhance strategic messaging in line with BMW\'s identity and goals. • Collaborate for cohesive messaging across communication channels. • Lead integrated campaigns online and offline, optimizing tools and platforms. Digital Engagement & Collaboration: • Implement digital strategies for brand visibility and online engagement. • Manage social platforms, content calendars, and performance tracking. • Collaborate across teams for aligned communication efforts. Campaign Evaluation & Enhancement: • Measure campaign effectiveness against set KPIs. • Generate detailed reports on performance and insights. • Utilize data insights to refine strategies for future campaigns. ※建議投遞履歷時提供104適性測驗結果