PJM (Smart Retail Product Line)


月薪 50,000元以上(依學/經歷核薪)





Smart Retail Product Line, the time-honored business in Protech System, also known as it’s branding “Prox”. We are the team with its goal to drive, excite, lead and achieve the desire of the product we are planned to our customer.

Prox Product Management Department with its attitude is to co-work with each other to find the solution we are looking for, whatever inside the Product Management Department or Product Development Team.

Our PJM with their ability to take part in what’s going on in the market and ask ourselves what we can do for the market, how to lead a team and achieve it. We are desired to get things not only done but better than better through every PJM’s point of view to be discussed and turn into achievable reality.

We are welcome to have you to join us and come up with your idea, plan and explain how it works.

What you will work on :
Find out the market demand, make your idea into a plan

Who you will work with :
Make your plan into executable topics with your team from R&D, marketing and Factory.


  • 工作地點: 台北市

  • 工作時間:09:00-18:00

  • 休假制度:週休二日

  • 工作待遇:月薪 50,000元以上(依學/經歷核薪)


  • 聯絡人:謝小姐

  • 聯絡電話1:02-8751-1111#105

  • 聯絡電話1:02-8751-1111#105


  • 人力銀行:https://www.104.com.tw/job/8jnqo?jobsource=google

  • 電子郵件寄履歷表:annie_hsieh@protech.com.tw


2.語文條件:英文(聽/說/讀/寫) 中等.
We are desired to have our member to be familiar with x86 architecture and/or Mechanism design concept
with the ability to lead teams. An Engineering background is a plus, a skilled background with in the career is
also a welcomed.